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Photo Dump

 Below are photos I took using my Canon EOS Rebel T7. I thought of editing them and adding a bit of glamour to them but they already look glamorous themselves and refrained from editing them. I will give a brief description about each photo and take you on a little journey. Welcome!

A Day in Watertown

This photos were taken right outside the City Hall of Watertown and it was around 1pm when I came out for lunch from a job I was doing for a local hospital. I wanted to experiment with the camera and an incident happened. I parked my car at the back of the City Hall, a spot reserved for employees of the City and I had a little argument with a lady that worked at the building which ended in her calling the cops on me. At first, my intention was to snap a quick photo or two and get out of there but it didn't work out. I shot a couple of photos after the incident and left, giving me an opportunity to learn more about a City and their civil service. Remember, this is a city where a massive manhunt ended for the Boston Marathon Bomber in 2013;

A Day In Arlinghton

Arlinghton is a neighboring city that sometimes feels like it doesn't exist due to it being a quiet place and it's one of the reasons why I enjoy going to it either by foot or by bike. Below are the photos I took of this city.

Boston Sunrise

The photos below were right after I came out of my overnight job and I had a bit of energy remaining and decided why not take a few photos and videos of this amazing beautiful morning since I had my camera with me. 


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