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This is a poem about a man who is not made for this world, signs everywhere for him to see but he still clings to it 

Every turn is a painful reminder,

To remember to forget this world,

Every turn he looks for an excuse,

An excuse to entertain this world,

The more he yearns, the more the pain,

The pain of loosing something dear, 

Something he was never meant to have in the first place,

The sleepless nights serve a purpose,

A purpose to pursue his real purpose,

His purpose is the Absolute Reality,

Yet he wants to chase a fantasy,

A fleeting moment of joy,

Does he not realize there is an eternal joy,

He is busy chasing a fantasy,

Which escapes him like the fleeting time of reality,

How long does he have to lie to himself?

How long before he awakens,

Awakens to the absolute Reality,

A reality that doesn't slumber, 

An eternal, absolute reality

A reality he wished he served,

A reality he wished he nurtured,

A reality that calls to bolster,

A reality that aims to be his salvation,

If only he woke up, 

If only he took the pain as a badge of honor,

If only he started working,

If he only knew of the destination,

The destination after his short journey,

It's time for him to wake up,

It's time he realized , 

He is not for this world!!!


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