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 Before we talk about the kind of people that run these programs, let's talk about the program Karim was placed in and its effects on his life and the lives of those around him. Karim was targeted with Military-grade weapons used for torture programs like the one he was placed in. What constitutes Torture in Karim's case? His torture comprised of Mind-Reading, Mind-Control, Central Nervous Control, 24/7 Tracking anywhere, Organized Gang-Stalking, Voices to Skull commonly known as V2K( Its a form of deception that utilizes beaming abusive voices into the subject's head bypassing the ear thus confusing them and think they are running mad) and Physical Harassment/Injury through Directed Energy Weapons( DEW).

All these are 'no touch'/ Covert' and are remotely operated and leave the minimum evidence or none at all and are satellite based. Karim's situation was precarious due to him being a Muslim and also being from a military family that continues to wield significant influence and power in their community. They needed to experiment on him discreetly while at the same discrediting any claims he makes by labeling him crazy. They needed to perfect their secret Military weapons by experimenting on unsuspecting people who had different outlooks in life. Nobody was safe from their tyranny but they needed it to stay secret.


Using this, Karim's harassers could view his innermost thoughts on a screen, as clearly as one reads a newspaper. His eyes became a live camera for the trackers. Whatever he viewed was recorded on the trackers' computer or viewed by the trackers' brains using a brain-to-computer interface (BCI).Pre-packaged dream sequences would routinely be downloaded to his brain and harassers would interact with him while he was dreaming. Stressful traumas/shocks would also be induced via artificial dreams completely wirelessly, without any chip implants, electrodes etc. 


Any of his body parts could be targeted and attacked by these directed energy weapons. These weapons would use Microwave/EMF/ELF waves and could cause a wide range of discomforts all at the touch of a button from anywhere, traceless. This was also a form of slow-kill as these weapons could cause death of the subject after prolonged periods of usage. 



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