This is a summary of a lesson I learnt while listening to a Youtube Lecture. The aim is to retain this information for myself and to share it with other people so that they can learn and get a closer relationship with their faith and for those who don’t know about Islam , to welcome them to researching Islam. 

The author started his book with the Basmallah. Basmallah was something used in the early religions ( Prophet Nuh & Prophet Sulaymaniyah used it). The Scholars have difference of opinions as to whether the Basmallah is an ayah of the Quran. What’s the purpose of Basmallah? 
It’s purpose is to distinguish one Surah from the other expect for Surah Tawbah. There are 2 reasons as to why the author of this book started his book with the Basmallah

  1. He is following the Quran
  2. He is following the Sunnah of the Prophet ( SAW)
To follow the Prophet ( SAW) , you follow 3 things 

  1. His Speech
  2. Action
  3. Consent( Allowed to be done)
The author here is following the Prophet (SAW) in His action as the Prophet (SAW) used to write letters starting with Basmallah. There is a Hadith where the Prophet ( SAW) said “ Every affair or issue that you don’t start with Bismillah, it’s disconnected which means there would be no Barakah( Blessing) in it . This is a weak Hadith by the way. 
You should start with a Basmallah when writing a letter and a Hamdala( Alhamdulillah) when delivering a Khutbah ( Lecture) 

1st Introduction

The author points out 4 obligations ( Individual Obligation) ; 

  1. To have knowledge of 3 things 

  • Allah (SWT)
  • The Prophet (SAW)
  • The Religion of Islam 

All of these knowledge has to be with Evidence

2. To implement that knowledge ( Act according to Knowledge)

When we say Implement, there are 2 things 

  • Issues relating to Halal and Haram( Implementing physically)Fiqh Issues & Aqeedah IssuesImplementing in your heart ( Believe it’s Haram& Halal : Aqeedah)

3. Calling to it ( Daawah)Daawah has 2 things 

  • Means Objective

In the Quran, the means are set and cannot be changed. The path owned by the Prophet ( SAW)What is the objective of Daawah? The objective is to call to Allah.4. Patience ( Patience in the 3 aforementioned Obligations)The evidence of all 4 Obligations are in the Quran specifically Surah Al -Asr. The author also took these 4 obligations from the works of Ibn Al Qayyim( RA)
Next time , I’ll cover the 2nd introduction and the 3rd Introduction In shaa Allah. This is a summary of what I learnt and if you find any mistake , please let me know so that I could correct it In Shaa Allah. 


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