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Embarking on a Creative Adventure: Discovering the Canon Rebel T7 Camera

 After nurturing the desire to own a camera for nearly 3 years, Alhamdulillah, I am thrilled to finally get my hands on the Canon EOS Rebel T7 Camera. You see, I've always had a burning passion for expressing my creativity through photography and making videos. However, various factors held me back, namely, an irrational fear of exploring new horizons and a sense of apprehension regarding potential failures. Looking back, I realize how silly that mindset was!

But guess what? Allah blessed me with a higher-paying contract job, enabling me to finally bring home this long-awaited beginner camera. Endless ideas and plans flooded my mind, envisioning the limitless possibilities this camera would unlock. However, during the first week, it sat untouched on my desk. I felt overwhelmed by all the possibilities, not knowing where to start. That's when I decided to take a step back, breathe, and go with the flow. After all, what was the rush?

This newfound mindset simplified everything. I could now pick up the camera whenever inspiration struck or felt bored, embracing the freedom to pursue my artistic endeavors on my own terms. Sure, I watched a few YouTube tutorials , but I also embraced the freedom to learn and explore independently. Interestingly, one aspect that had initially posed a challenge was achieving precise focus as sometimes the images or faces would be blurry. It was only after my younger sister who had extensively experimented with the camera, shared her insights that I overcame this hurdle. 

From that moment forward, an unstoppable force propelled me to venture to different locations, capturing videos in unique styles and pushing the boundaries of my creativity. My primary focus lies in video making and vlogging and I relish the opportunity to try new shooting techniques while savoring the journey at my own pace.

The excitement didn't stop there! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my highly anticipated Youtube Channel, Elevator 2 Heaven ( It's still in the early stages and I'm learning the ropes of being a content creator on YouTube. I promise to take my time to deliver quality content that will captivate the world. I kindly ask my future viewers to join me on this incredible journey and be patient as I embark on this new and thrilling phase of my life filled with ambition, anticipation and a strong determination to excel. Get ready for an adventure filled with creativity and boundless enthusiasm!. Thank You


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