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Diary of A Muslim

As i was walking through an abandoned town trying to find some content for my YouTube channel, I came across a diary that contained the private life of a Muslim who once lived there. At first,I was hit by excitement but then was soon replaced by guilt for this was a private document I was going through. I decided to try and understand what kind of life this person once led but I was soon met with more questions than answers . Before delving into the diary in its entirety, here is a snapshot from the first 2 pages which in all honesty, left me confused,


" Waking up to use the bathroom and immediately a thought or voice saying "disorganized" came up. It seems they don't want me to document their intrusive thoughts

"They tried to bait me with nudity by broadcasting it while I slept in the hopes I would act upon those urges when I wake up and search it up. I decided against it by going straight to pray.

"Their tactics are weak and it gets weaker the more I document it which I've noticed is something they hate

" I'll pray Asr and use the time in between Asr and Maghrib to recite Quran and will document their distractions before or during the Quran Recitation

Distractions During Quran recitation

"The impulse to check my phone while I am in the middle of my recitation grew by each minute
" Since I didn't act on the impulse to check my phone, I was hit with another impulse which was to play video games on the playstation.

As you can tell, it made me confused. What was this person really talking about? What kind of daily struggles was he/she going through which made him/her to resort to documenting it in a diary? What was his name or her name? Because I couldn't tell if this was a male or female but i was determined to find out. I will treat this diary as my own and try to decipher what is being said in it no matter what. It's no coincidence that I found it. I will share more as i go through it and together I promise, we will find out who this person  is or was. Hopefully they are doing well wherever they may be at. 



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